Are The Beatles and the equality of Mozart? Why can two great genius who has a fortune for behind: Robert Oppenheimer and the record of Harvard Cambridge ago fisikawan be leading in the United States while Chris Langan just graduated high school and is now living as a farmer? Why most of the veteran hockey players born in Canada in January? Why pioneering large computer company in the United States almost all born in 1955? Why level the aircraft accident Korean Airlines has a connection with cultural and linguistic analysis?
The questions above do not appear to relate with each other but if we read this book, we will know that there is a red thread seutas made them one: How can achieve success.
Some people assume that success be because instrinsik values: hard work and accomplishment. In this book, Malcolm Gladwell menyanggahnya and memaknai success as a combination of various factors. Success is the end of brilliance, self-will to take advantage of the opportunities that exist, fortune, events in the history of the world and the moment-a moment in time that all of life experienced by the right person and take place at the right place, at the right time.
Indeed, Gladwell, a former journalist of The Washington Post two recent books best-seller since kepindahannya to the New Yorker magazine, is the old ideas. Along any posts, he never explicitly mentions the name of the real figure is not concur with it. He tends to monologue, the debate with the 'we'. I think this happens because it is most likely not have disputed the idea that the classical meaning of success in this book berdesain minimal.
However, Gladwell presenting ideas with the idea-so easy to understand complicated. Like the 'Tipping Point' and 'Blink', two works yangmembuatnya dijuluki pop sociologist by some media, 'Outliers' appear with the language of light and the many case studies that rarely can be accessed through daily or magazine. Many big names and interesting phenomena appear as an example.
See it, Gladwell highlights the tendency of the Jews in the United States to become a lawyer or doctor, and mathematical ability of Asian people that are far better than their colleagues in the West. He then asked, why it all happened? Very probably this is also a question millions of other people who frequently dilontarkan light in the chat in a café or fad discussed in the mailing list. 'Outliers' attempt to answer and the penggila read in the United States shall direct the discussion of this book since publication perdananya November last year.
'Outliers' refers to the situation or the figure is significantly different from the others. The Beatles is the outlier in the history of music world who have produced dozens of famous bands. Bill Gates is the outlier among the hundreds of computer experts who can now easily find us in the era of high-tech this. Level of accidents experienced by Korean Air in the past also includes a high outlier and therefore is considered an unlucky because the plane when the pilot is in prime condition and is eligible to fly the plane be calculated. So what caused them to be outliers?
Let's intip list of 75 richest people throughout history, from Ancient Egyptian figure, namely Cleopatra and the Pharaoh's name to the modern era such as Bill Gates and Sutan Hassanal Bolkiah. If it be a list, we will find a unique form of 14 Americans born between 1831-1839. Think the amount of generation that ranges from start to Pharaoh Bill Gates and the number of countries that have been in the earth. Look at that 20% of the above list that comes from a generation in a country!
Gladwell believes this occurred because the year 1860 and 1870an the United States are the golden: When it is born Wallstreet, the factory was established and the train began to build. They were born around 1850an lost moment to participate because they are too young, while the year of birth 1820an already too old and berpikirnya framework can not follow the development of longer period. Between the two parties terbentanglah this 9-year period, giving babies a golden opportunity to participate in future economic development during adulthood.
Case example above shows our confidence Gladwell very ekstrinsik factors that play a role in the success of someone: a certain event in the history of the world, for example. Appear that he even believes that this element ekstrinsik often specify more than instrinsik. This kind of discussion not only appears at a glance, but the color content of the book is thick. No wonder if the strong radiated away from the content of the book that in a success, the role of hard work order number is only after two fortune.
In fact, as an intellectual who berkutat psychology with science and sociology, he knows the story of Victor Frankl, a psychiatrist who experienced Nazi punishment but can survive up to age 90. In the case of Frankl, who has written more than 20 books after experiencing years of mayhem, much success is determined by the intrinsic value and not ekstrinsik, that is longing to see his wife and the desire to obtain the meaning of life with the work
Impossible as a veteran journalist and author who lived in the United States he did not know letters Mother Theresa of Calcutta. This collection of reports had been the main leading magazines in the country of issue he leaved, TIMES, and to make book in various languages. Albania inner struggle of women clearly shows that this effort can be developed karitasnya, open only survive, largely because of intrinsic values such as patience and resignation.
However, when the book is published, the author is dead. As readers we have full freedom to memaknai success. We can devour this book, either raw or terpana on the savory taste and, at the same time, readers who have a critical attitude.
can be purchased in Outliers: The Story of Success
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